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- The Emotion Code Free Ebook
Muscle testing has been a regular part of my family's life nearly 10yrs. It has assisted me in my journey to heal from ptsd/agoraphobia & chronic illness. I was originally taught EFT/tapping technique, visualizations, & phrase based affirmations to access energetic/emotional change. There was very little in this book that I did not already understand. I breezed through it in a day. That being said, it has been incredibly helpful!
What I have been struggling with the last few years was how to get past the murky/muddy aspects of asking 100 questions to get 1 answer. Tapping is helpful but I was not getting the results I was looking for. It was also hard for my husband to feel connected to that process. He also does not benefit as much from visualizations (for various personal reasons).
Whether you are new to this work or been doing it for many years, we all should go back to the basics from time to time. Nelson gives you a can't fail guide to getting the answers you want from your body, then giving you the exact process to wipe it clear away!
Despite 10yrs of work, ive continued to struggle with an eating disorder. 1 session using Nelsons method and I discovered that my disorder wasnt mine at all - but the result of trapped emotions taken on from a relative when I was young. I cleared the emotions associated with that disorder and ive been in control of my body & food ever since. If you have ever had a compulsion - you'll know it triggers anxiety, emotional upheaval, & makes you feel like an addict. Now, I can respect myself, control any natural cravings and feel confident in MY choices.
I haven't jumped on a band wagon so fast in my life! Im now addicted to clearing old negative emotions! Lol I clear everything around me from my dogs, cats, husband, horses. I have a horse that was abused in her early years and suffers major anxiety and panic. This method is already showing results - her demeanor is more steady, her back problems are relaxing, her gait is opening up.
This method is reminding me of all the reasons I fell in love with energy work to begin with. Its the spark I needed to keep going and continue to help myself & life around me.The Emotion Code is a powerful and simple way to rid yourself of unseen baggage. Releasing trapped emotions often results in the sudden disappearance of physical problems, self-sabotage, and recurring relationship difficulties. Editions for Emotion Code: How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health, Love and Happiness: (Paperback published in 2007), 125021. Emotions using the Emotion Code. My purpose in writing this book is to teach you how to fi nd and remove trapped emotions from yourself and from others. Whether you are a doctor or a fi sherman, a housewife or a teenager, you can learn the Emotion Code. Anyone can learn how to be free from the very real. The Emotion Code can excavate emotions that occur from the womb to your current age. It can also track the memories of your ancestors that were burnt into your DNA at conception. A fundamental cause of suffering roots from these inherited programs that run deep within the subconscious mind. The Emotion Code complements the Hoʻoponopono teachings. For you in subtle, yet very damaging ways.!e Emotion Code is about finding those old emotions and releasing them forever. Much of our su!ering is due to negative emotional energies that have become ‘trapped’ within us. The Emotion Code is a simple and powerful method of 'nding and releasing these trapped energies.
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Preview — Emotion Code by Bradley Nelson
The Emotion Code is a powerful and simple way to rid yourself of unseen baggage. Releasing trapped emotions often results in the sudden disappearance of physical problems, self-sabotage, and recurring relationship difficulties. Filled with real-world examples from many years of clinical practice, The Emotion Code is a distinct and authoritative new work that is destined to...more
Published June 15th 2007 by Wellness Unmasked Publishing (first published January 1st 2007)
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Maria EksteenNot only do I love the book, but I also practice the modality. Extremely effective. I've already enjoyed the benefits of it myself, and so have my…moreNot only do I love the book, but I also practice the modality. Extremely effective. I've already enjoyed the benefits of it myself, and so have my clients. I also totally agree with what Phyllis Brooks had to say.(less)
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I've been a massage therapist for 20 years, and I've seen stored emotions come out in people many times (along with memories), so I do believe in the premise of this book. However, this book's method of assessment is based on applied kinesiology, which I've just never been able to get on board with. Some of the practices and beliefs seem reasonable enough, and others are just too far-fetched. In addition, not only has there never been any studies done showing the reliability/validity of A.K., th...more
Jun 22, 2010Lisa the Librarian rated it it was amazing
Wow!! This book really resonated with me. The concepts speak truth to my heart.
I was a bit cautious going into it because last September I had read a book recommended by my mother called Remembering Wholeness that felt really 'off' to me in a lot of ways. I knew this book was based on some similar ideas... energy within the body and working with that energy to improve life. Based on my negative experience with the other book, I borrowed this before I would commit to a purchase. I was about 50...more
Aug 29, 2011
chris smith rated it
really liked itRecommends it for: anyone w health issues, feeling stuck in life
Shelves: self-help, alternative-healing, favorites
If you are dealing with health, relationship, and/or financial issues, this book is worth a read, and the exercises included, worth a try.
One note, this book has some incredible facts and practices you can try out, to help support yourself and your loved ones overall health and well being. However, you will have to get beyond the author's religious beliefs (if you do not personally subscribe to them) in order to get to the deeper, universal, message of:
Emotions are energy, and just as they can...more
May 26, 2014Ben Tousey rated it did not like it
As with all pseudoscience, it starts with a believable premise. Here that premise is, emotions get trapped within our bodies.
Okay, enough of the believable. Now he says that by affecting the 'energy' (there's that word again), we can go directly to that ball of emotion and intercept it, and therefore create a change.
Of course he uses a lot of anecdotal evidence, but as any attorney would tell you, the least trustworthy form of testimony is eyewitness testimony. That's why we have scientific met...more
Jan 14, 2009Jessi rated it it was amazing
This should receive TEN out of five stars!!!! Seriously, I am really enthusiastic about this. I have used it on myself with wonderful results and I have already put this information to work in my practice and seen further phenomenal results with my reiki clients.
This should be required reading for all energy and other CAM practioners, but is also easy enough to read and understand clearly for people who aren't in the healing arts profession.
This book is a breakthrough for anyone who is sufferi...more
Jul 25, 2008Barda Allen rated it it was amazing
This is definitely one for my tool box and it makes so much sense to me. (OH, I think I said the same thing about the first book I added, ...but it is true. What I really like about this book, is it is written by someone I respect. I don't know Dr. Brad Nelson, personally, but I know both of his brothers. Dr. Brad uses several magnetic tools that I have in my house and practice, in a way that releases trapped emotions. Trapped emotions are ones that we don't know that we have, but they manifest...more
Feb 09, 2015April Fear rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
This is a book that I didn't know I needed until I read it. Julie Rowe gave a plug for this book at the end of her book 'The Time is Now', so I ordered it. I've known I had a heart wall for years. Living with an alcoholic parent, divorce and other hurtful experiences caused me to put a protective wall around my broken heart. I didn't realize that this wall was keeping me from feeling joy in my life, and was also causing me sleeping and health problems. This book was a God send for me.
Jun 28, 2013Bev Siddons rated it really liked it
When first introduced to this technique a decade ago, I dismissed it as a bunch of hooey. However, as with all of the lessons God wants you to learn, He keeps putting the same message in front of you until you actually pay attention. For those unfamiliar with alternative medicine, you will most likely dismiss this method of muscle testing and tapping as I originally did. However, if you suffer from any phobias, emotional baggage, and/or chronic disease, read this book once viewed with an open mi...more
5 months on a book is more than I usually spend, that's for sure! I had to take this one in doses, though. I've been using the tools from the Emotion Code in one form or another for a couple of years now, first in working with someone who used it with me to help me get through some icky stuff and then she and other friends taught me the rudiments to use on myself. I realize now that I've been playing with it without a perfect knowledge of the concepts behind it. Nevertheless, the idea is simple...more
The Emotion Code Chart
Nov 26, 2016Obliterature (The Bibliophile) rated it did not like it
I can't help but feel that I would be made fun of if I attempted any of these 'healing methods.' According to this Doctor's (Doctor of what again?) theory, we have walls that are built around our hearts which cause 'trapped emotions.'
I tried attempted the positive thinking test, which seemed to be pretty accurate.
So how is the healing attempted? With magnets. That is all. If it seems too good to be true, you would be safe to assume that magnets aren't going to heal my 'thick heart wall' for my '...more
I sent this around for my long distance book club and haven't gotten it back. Some very interesting and compelling ideas about how things (ie. the entire universe) work, though I believe that one must take greater advantage of applying the atonement of Christ to get the results he claims.
Aug 11, 2019
Amy Bruestle rated it
it was amazing · review of another edition
The Emotion Code Free Ebook
Shelves: books-i-own, work-related-texts, giveaways, loaned-out
I won this book through a giveaway in exchange for an honest review...
Wowzeeeee! What a book! I can honestly say that this is probably the best “self-help” style book that I have ever read! Partly because it isn’t a bunch of bullshit that most people already know, and partly because not only does it tell you what to do, but it also gives you step by step instructions on how to do it! I also found it to be very interesting, and I really enjoyed the examples given in each section too! I have learn...more
Jul 06, 2015
Marcha Fox rated it
it was amazing · review of another edition
Recommends it for: Those interested in energy healing, releasing old emotional baggage, self-knowledge, past traumas
I learned to question everything when I discovered that astrology worked regardless of what my physics professors told me in college. Some of the questions one has to ask in such a dilemma are who has the most to gain from an untruth, who has the most power or influence and is it something you can test personally to determine whether or not it works?
For example, there's the ongoing argument about alternative medicine. Who has the most to gain from an untruth? Easy. The pharmaceutical industry. W...more
It works!
This is one of the most amazing books I've encountered in years. Some people might label its contents as merely 'New Age woo woo,' but personally, I wouldn't call it that. We live in a world where it is well past time we moved beyond a medical model--including psychiatry--that is rooted in Newtonian philosophy. This book, instead, utilizes principles of energetic medicine, which is complementary to ancient principles of Chinese medicine, such as acupuncture, and has profound implication...more
Mar 09, 2011Christy rated it it was amazing
How I came upon this book is pretty interesting to contemplate. I cannot deny that it was providential and that I am supposed to add this to my “alternative health” toolbox.
The Emotion Code first discusses how trapped emotions effect our health. Nothing new to me, I am a wanna-be EFT Master.
Next he discusses energy and magnets. Familiar with that too, though I don’t regularly use magnets.
Then he launches into a huge tutorial on muscle testing. I am very familiar with that, but need to get goo...more
I had a recurring hip pain that would come and go. I could do some Taylor stretches to help it subside, but at times, I would need Ibuprofen to relieve the pain so I could sleep. After releasing the trapped emotion in the hip, it has never returned.
A hymn we sing at our church has the phrase, 'I would learn the healer's art...' I've always wanted to do that and now I have. This is a wonderful way to heal emotionally and physically. It is simple, you can do it on your own, and it's free. What is...more
Nov 18, 2017Jim Morris rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
This is a book describing a great new healing modality, one that seems to work. At least it has on me so far.
I found out about it by watching Regina Meredith's interview show on Gaia, Open Minds. She was talking to Dr. Bradley Nelson, of whom I had never heard. But, after having watched for five minutes I stopped the interview, went on Amazon and ordered two of his books. My impression was of a brilliant, humble, and compassionate man.
Even before I had finished the book I picked up the easy tech...more
Sep 13, 2013Tamera Lukens rated it did not like it
I put a strong warning out against this product. I tried it for a little while and it seemed to work. Then after a very short time I began to have mental problems, depression, disorientation and exhaustion. I strongly believe this product had something to do with this as I had always been very strong mentally. A friend of mine that used it also had problems and warned of using it excessively. I did use it on a few people without a surrogate because the book mentioned using it on some puppies wit...more
Emotion Code Book Free Download
Apr 16, 2013Rochelle rated it really liked it
'While some prescription medications do address the cause of illness, most only cover up the symptoms. They usually do such a wonderful job at masking our symptoms that we may think our problem is gone, when it is merely being chemically suppressed. Remember that symptoms are the body's way of telling you that something is wrong. They are a warning signal that you need to change something, or that your body needs some help.'
This is an amazing book. My life is forever changed knowing how to relea...more
I totally believe that emotional issues can affect our physical health. This book explores the idea that 'trapped emotions' can be identified and released. I believe there is a process here that has great potential in the healing of our physical pains. I have used Dr. Nelson's techniques, and believe they work. It is an amazing thought that we can communicate with our spiritual self, and discover what a true healthy body might feel like. The negativity and evil of the world can and does affect u...more
I've been looking for a book to help me let go, move on, and get rid of 'stuff' I'm tired of dealing with 'stuff'. My friend turned me onto this book and it's helped my son, me and many other friends. It just makes so much sense. It has helped me heal my body and my soul. I highly recommend this book.
Mar 27, 2014Bridget rated it liked it · review of another edition
My husband and I tried muscle testing with both arm and sway methods. Neither worked for us. (Maybe we were dehydrated or our necks were out of alignment?) I want to believe. Maybe I will try again.
Aug 31, 2012Sara Liechty rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
I really enjoyed this book. It helped explain muscle testing and why it works and how to release some of those emotions that get trapped throughout our lives. It really spoke to me and believe it or not, the methods are working!
Apr 04, 2014
Marco rated it
really liked it Shelves: essays-non-fiction, health-nutrition, spirituality
Being a EFT and ThetaHealing practicioner, the Emotion Code techniques come in very handy and fit nicely in my 'toolbox'. Theyre really easy to put into practice and really work wonders! I highly recommend this book to anyone (even vaguely) interested in his personal growth! ...more
Dec 23, 2012Deanne rated it liked it
I'm just not sure what to think about this. Some parts rang very true, and other things seemed really hokey. If it was all true, it would be really fabulous to just do what he says and become happy and healthy and pain free!
Mar 25, 2014Brigitte rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Loved this book! I learned so much & after having attended one of his classes, I can't wait to try out what I've learned. FYI, This book can be downloaded for free.
Really interesting read, I'm thankful it was recommended to me!
must read... liked it better than Remembering Wholeness
Apr 04, 2019Maurynne Maxwell rated it liked it · review of another edition
I received an advance copy from the publisher through a goodreads giveaway! The Emotion Code is an understatedly Christian (he mentions God and Jesus in a non-proselytizing way) approach to energy healing and emotional intelligence, rather than a traditional psychological self-help book. The author is a chiropractor and an intuitive who believes that most of the body's resistance to healing comes from unrecognized emotional blocks. Through a series of dialogues with the body, using muscle tensio...more
Mar 07, 2019Kristina rated it did not like it · review of another edition
I came at this book with low expectations. It looks like a pop culture self-help book and that is what I was expecting.
Where I was expecting some made up science and helpful guides for dealing with emotions, I found extensive made up science and dangerous advice for dealing with emotions.
This book is full of anecdotes of successful applications of the 'healing tool' known as the Emotion Code. More than half the book is stories of people who claim that their suffering was relieved by this method...more
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