Microsoft Mapi Cdo

On the computer running Microsoft Exchange MAPI and CDO 1.2.1, click Start Run. In the Open field, type regedit. Perform one of the following actions: If you are running a 32-bit version of Windows, navigate to HKEYLOCALMACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows Messaging Subsystem CDO. Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) over HTTP is a new transport protocol implemented in Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 Service Pack 1 (SP1). MAPI over HTTP improves the reliability and stability of the Outlook and Exchange connections by moving the transport layer to the industry-standard HTTP model. The Exchange MAPI CDO 1.2.1 March update is great. However, no place can I find if it fully supports x64 bit applications, or is it only x86 or 32 bit application capable only. Otherwise, its time to take on EWS and drop MAPI.

Mapi Cdo Download

I wanted to point out a significant note for some in the Exchange 2016 Architecture blog post here : Specifically, that Exchange 2016 will not support clients using Exchange's MAPI (aka MAPI CDO) to access Exchange Data. Exchange's MAPI has been out of main stream support for some time now (as it's tied to the lifecycle of Exchange 2003), so it isn't a surprise that Exchange 2016 will no longer allow it. However, for some ISVs and vendors still relying on MAPI CDO this is important note. The time to start planning and developing the next version of your product is now so you are ready when Exchange 2016 ships.

Uninstall Microsoft Outlook and re-install Microsoft Exchange MAPI and CDO

Microsoft Mapi Cdo


  • Installation of Acronis Agent for Exchange fails if Microsoft Outlook is detected on an Exchange server. The relevant error message is shown.
  • When trying to browse, back up, or recover an individual mailbox, or back up a database with the Metadata collection option set to Include mailboxes and folders or to Include e-mails, the following error occurs: 'Microsoft Outlook is detected on this server. It affects backup, recovery, and browse operations with mailboxes.'


Acronis Backup works with Exchange mailboxes by using Microsoft Exchange MAPI and CDO. Microsoft Outlook substitutes some of the Microsoft Exchange MAPI and CDO files on the Exchange server with its own version of MAPI and CDO. This corrupts Microsoft Exchange MAPI and CDO and prevents Acronis Backup from correct work with Exchange mailboxes.


Perform the following steps on the Exchange server where Microsoft Outlook is detected:

  1. Uninstall Microsoft Outlook by using Add or Remove Programs in Windows Control Panel.
  2. If installation still fails after uninstalling Microsoft Outlook, go to Start -> Run -> regedit and check if registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftOffice<Version>Outlook or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftOffice<Version>Outlook (depending on which version of Outlook, 32-bit or 64-bit, was installed) is present and delete it. We recommend you to export the key before deleting.
  3. [For Exchange Server 2007/2010] Uninstall the package with Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and CDO by using Add or Remove Programs in Windows Control Panel.
  4. [For Exchange Server 2007/2010] Install the package with Microsoft Exchange Server MAPI Client and CDO 1.2.1.
  5. [For Exchange Server 2007/2010] Restart Acronis Managed Machine Service (if Acronis Agent for Exchange is already installed).

More information

Microsoft Cdo

Feel free to contact Acronis Customer Central with the reference to this article if you have any questions or issues.

Microsoft Cdo Library
