Using Tags In Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word tags added to documents can help you organize and locate document files when you need them. Tags are considered metadata, much like document properties, but tags are not saved with your document file. Instead, those tags are handled by the operating system (in this case, Windows). I use Microsoft Word for Mac and instead of using the ctrl button and clicking each individual object, you can push and hold ctrl then push and hold a, and it will select all objects on the page. You can then ‘group’ all the objects together without having to worry about missing one! Microsoft Word tags added to documents can help you organize and locate document files when you need them. Tags are considered metadata, much like document properties, but tags are not saved with your document file. Instead, those tags are handled by the operating system (in this case, Windows).

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You can make notecards or nametags in Microsoft Word using theEnvelopes and Labels function. To do so:

  1. From the Tools menu, or the Mailings tab, selectLabels.
  2. In Word for Windows, click the Labels tab, and thenclick Options.... In Word for Mac OS X, clickOptions....
  3. From the menu next to 'Label products:' or 'Label vendors', choosethe brand of your labels. Then, in the 'Product number:' field, choosethe label you need, for example:
    • 5315 for notecards
    • 5362 for nametags or badges

    Note: If you wish to change margins or other settings, click New Label.... Enter a name for your custom label, and change the settings to your specifications. After you click OK, Word will show your label name in the 'Product number:' field.

  4. Click OK to save your settings.
Active6 years, 5 months ago

Is there a possibility to create tags in Word documents like tags in web blogs? For example, I have such a text in my Word document:

So when choosing 'rabbit' word I can find all sections in my document I write about rabbits.

I tried to use Word bookmarks but it doesn't allow to link one bookmark to more that one word even though it is one and the same word. How to implement such functionality?

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2 Answers

In Word 2010 the Index feature, on the References tab, allows you to tag words and create an index which shows all the pages the word appears on.

Here are detailed instructions how to create and update an index.

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Using Tags In Microsoft Word Free


If you're looking for a manual procedure, the simplest is to use Crtl+f. If you put 'tag: rabbit' in the field you'll access quickly to all the occurrences. In fact, you don't even need to add tag if the word you're looking for is in the text. If you insist to use tags, put them in comments boxes. That way you can hide them as you wish, and the search function still works.

Tags In Microsoft Word 2010

Brad Patton
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P. O.P. O.

Microsoft Word Todo Tag


Using Tags In Microsoft Word Download

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